Davis County MRC • Davis County Health Department • PO Box 618 • Farmington, UT 84025

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

More Earthquake Safety

Have you seen this email? The one that claims you should never "duck and cover" during an earthquake and should use the "Triangle of Life" to ensure you won't be crushed?

This email has been re-circulating recently and the Davis County MRC would like to share Snopes.com's take on the email. In summary, most of the claims made in this email are from skewed data. For example, the collapsed building in Turkey that is referenced, was not subjected to earthquake type shaking. Therefore, the resulting damage (from collapsing a building on purpose for planned demolition) cannot be compared to what would likely happen during an actual earthquake. Additionally, most buildings are subject to strict building codes, and do not "pancake" during an earthquake. Please take the time to read the entire Snopes statement.

The Davis County MRC encourages members to utilize earthquake safety advice from reputable organizations such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the American Red Cross. You can view their earthquake safety information by following the links below.

American Red Cross: What should I do during an earthquake?
FEMA: What to do during an earthquake

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